Friday 30 July 2010


Today I'm deciding to kick back and just "chill". Yesterday I decluttered my entire room, no easy feat if you knew the state of my room beforehand. It took me just over 2 and half hours to get my room squeaky clean and now I've noticed I'm going around and adjusting everythings that out of place. I feel OCD coming on. Oops. I havent really got much planned, I've got some holiday left from work so I'm going to be taking that shortly, but for now I'm going to paint my nails, watch 27 Dresses (James Marsden *yum*) and eventually get round to finishing Chasing Daisy by Paige Toon. Later, I'm going to totally clean out the Asos sale because I am in desperate need for a new wardrobe, which is swell because I just got paid. Pizza Hut does have its advantages. I'm thinking of shaking this blog up a bit, change the name, header etc... maybe. I just reached 1200 followers on Tumblr which is awesome! I'm also thinking of scrapping my Livejournal and just sticking with Blogger - I prefer this layout. I would bombard my tumblr with continious self posts, but I have a feeling those 1200 people would get kinda bored and click "unfollow" to be honest I wouldnt blame them.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Um, Yeah.

I've just decided to dislike today. It started off pretty swell, I didnt have anything planned so I banked on a couple of hours reading my new book (I Heart Paris), writing my own "book", watching a couple of Harry Potter films and some Merlin all the while with Big Brothers live stream as background noise. I did it all and I was happy by the time Big Brothers little brother finished... and then my mum arrived home. Cue arguement. First of all we started a bitch marathon over dinner - she wanted pizza I wanted pasta - and so its ended up with us making our own whilst silently glowering at each other. Then our shopping arrived from Tesco and, of course, she calls me down from my room to help. Screw that. Pretending to go deaf, I continue to listen to my music whilst "tumblring" until she marches up the stairs and practically frogmarches me down their to give the old tesco guy a shock with me in my bright pink hot pants. Blah. Its always like this until my dad gets back late. I hate it when its just my mum and me, we're too alike and so we clash. Whatever. I bought a new camera on Monday, its the Samsung uber cool one with the screen on the front so you can see if you're taking a picture of yourself what you look like. I'm so tired, I want it to be 9 so I can watch Peter Andres show and then Big Brother, have an hour of Merlin before switching over to E4 where Big Brother Live starts and somewhere around 2am I'll fall asleep. Also I'm seeing Toy Story 3 tomorrow!!! I cannot wait, plus theres this real cute guy who works in the Odeon down town who looks like Eddie Redmayne, google him if you have no idea who that is. I so want to work in the Odeon. Yes. Anyway, I'm going to go round my room with my nifty camera and see what I can snap. Laters...

Tuesday 20 July 2010


Yesterday evening, after spending too much money in Republic, me and the brother went and saw Inception. Being older, and slightly more mature than me, he wanted to see this rather than Toy Story 3. I didnt mind, after all I intend to see TS3 tomorrow thanks to Orange Wednesday. Anyway. So we went and saw Inception, loaded up on popcorn (I like sweet, he likes salt so our tub was divided and for some reason I kept getting salt, hmm). I'd heard about Inception, that its supposedly as good as Avatar, some said even better, 'Astounding' was a word I kept seeing repeated and boy were they right. Its not often that you see a film that lives up to such heightened expectations, with the exceptions of Avatar, The Dark Knight and Lord of the Rings. Inception is right up there, above Avatar. Literally actually, considering its been ranked the 3rd best movie in the world. Oh yeah 'da world. Told you it was good. Words cant actually describe how brilliant Inception is, its a film you have to really think about and keep up with instead of going slightly bored and letting your mind wonder for a few minutes (like mine did in Shrek 4). I wont say much about it only that it really made me keen to learn about dreaming, the idea of what dreams actually are and of course the ending. Ugh. I love endings that make you annoyed, seriously if you've seen it you'll know exactly what I'm on about, at the end everyone in my cinema sort of let out an exsperated exclaim, I, myself, went "the bastards!" which got several people sitting next to me laughing. Anyway, Inception is amazing, go see it if you havent already. You kinda need to watch it yourself to understand how good it is. Moving on, kinda. I had a weird/good dream last night (undoubtedly by influence of Inception). In the dream I was at some party, it kinda looked like my year 11 prom but it was in a nightclub. Bars, balloons and a dance floor were all shed in purple, a huge discoball glittered from above and I stood there with my date for the night. His name was Nick. Which is odd considering the guy I like right now is called Nick. Although their appearances were slightly different, dream Nick had more brownish hair whereas reality Nick bares sandy. So Nick and I were there, I got the impression he didnt really know a lot of people except for one girl called Emma. From where we sat, a group of guys I knew sat across the room and kept glancing at us making Nick go "dont they get it that I'm with you, do they have some kind of beef with me?" to which I replied, "dont worry, I only know a few of them." It sort of dissolved to us dancing with a bunch of people who claimed to be my friends although I'd never seen them before in my life. And then my ex turned up. In the dream I was nice as pie to him, we got on well, danced, laughed until Nick intervened. Now, I'm not superstitious at all but having a dream about a guy I like and my ex makes me wonder slightly. I mean does it mean that if I finally pluck up the courage (and it will be a while) and ask Nick out will my ex have something to say about it? I know its stupid, but...hmm. It made me think. The dream was actually pretty good, for some reason I seemed to be the centre of attention of this club/party/prom which, I'm not gonna lie, was awesome. But then is it only like that because its my subconcious? Probably. It was one of those dreams that, when I woke up thanks to my friend texting me and asking what I was doing tomorrow, I wanted to return to. Unfortunetly it didnt work like that and I relucantly text her back claiming I was free. So now I'm heading into town tomorrow with money I really dont have to spend. Blah. This is soo random this post, I should get an award of randomness and rambling. Its funny because I wrote the first half of this and then I decided I needed chocolate and headed to the shop, returning with a Fanta Orange, Boost bar and fudge (yum) then I ended up watching Big Brother live for a while (Keeva left?! :O) and now I've returned to this. I am so easily sidetracked its sort of shameful. Whatever. I need to write on this more, its true. Laters.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

When your Tears are Spent...

I present my new current song obsession: Marianas Trench - Beside You, true some of the song sounds like it belongs in a remade film of the Lion King but I love it. But then my music taste is pretty bizarre.

"When your tears are spent on your last pretense
And your tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defense
When it's in your spine like you've walked for miles
And the only thing you want is just to be still for a while..."

I Miss the Sun

On the 8th of July I got back from Greece. Yeah I have holiday blues. I took my laptop out there in hope to get some inspiration to write my current "book" and all I ended up doing was updating Tumblr/Twitter and keeping up to date with everything I was missing with Big Brother. Lame? Lame.

Tuesday 29 June 2010


I have writers block and i'm so pissed. I know exactly what I want to write but everytime I get down to typing it, I read it back and cringe. And the really annoying thing is I am not a bad writer. Ugh. Enough. Woke up this morning to see the new Harry Potter trailer and pretty much screamed the house down. I had goosebumps and everything! ;) But now I'm going to bombard this page with images I adore. On my tumblr I feel compelled to post a particular type of images - usually fashion related/victoria secret/starbucks/pink shiz when in actual fact I would love nothing more than to subject my tumblr to nature/wood/skies/inspirational stuff because that is really where my adoration lies. Hence this blog.

Monday 28 June 2010


It feels weird not waking up for college, true today I wouldnt start until half 12 but still... I dont think its quite hit me yet that I've completely finished college. Like finito. I know I have University to look forward to (ha!) and I'm still gonna see everyone but, hmm... I'm an "adult" but I dont feel like one. I'm not mature enough, clever enough, or even posess the right common sense of one. It bewilders me how people got from school to their everyday life. Am I missing something inbetween? Did they do something I'm supposed to do? I should be cheering at the fact that I have 3 months of complete freedom but the feeling is not completely intact. I'm afriad to waste away days doing nothing and eating junk. I vowed today that I would cut out all chocolate with the exception of friday. I've done it before, so I'm sure I can do it again. My willpower really needs a serious kick up the ass. I only discovered that only a few of my friends are even going to university, and even those are thinking of putting it off until next year to go travelling. I'm seriously tempted by this idea. A mate of mine wants to go to Australia for a few months and is hinting that I should take the voyage with her. I'm deliberating slightly... I mean I'd love to go but if I do put off university until next year I have this feeling that I'll scrap it entirely. Its weird because I never was the one to plan on uni, always relying on the idea of working but now that I do work (part time admittedly) and with the whole "modelling thing" going on I'm surprised that I'm staying adamant about my education. Ha. Listen to me, I sound all grown up and whatever. Move on. It's sunny, I woke at half 10 with the sound of my mum leaving the house, I have absoloutly nothing to do today except trying to get rid of this headache that has been pursuing me for the last day and a half and maybe, if I get inspired, I can continue my writing... yeah *snort* like that'll happen.