Thursday 22 July 2010

Um, Yeah.

I've just decided to dislike today. It started off pretty swell, I didnt have anything planned so I banked on a couple of hours reading my new book (I Heart Paris), writing my own "book", watching a couple of Harry Potter films and some Merlin all the while with Big Brothers live stream as background noise. I did it all and I was happy by the time Big Brothers little brother finished... and then my mum arrived home. Cue arguement. First of all we started a bitch marathon over dinner - she wanted pizza I wanted pasta - and so its ended up with us making our own whilst silently glowering at each other. Then our shopping arrived from Tesco and, of course, she calls me down from my room to help. Screw that. Pretending to go deaf, I continue to listen to my music whilst "tumblring" until she marches up the stairs and practically frogmarches me down their to give the old tesco guy a shock with me in my bright pink hot pants. Blah. Its always like this until my dad gets back late. I hate it when its just my mum and me, we're too alike and so we clash. Whatever. I bought a new camera on Monday, its the Samsung uber cool one with the screen on the front so you can see if you're taking a picture of yourself what you look like. I'm so tired, I want it to be 9 so I can watch Peter Andres show and then Big Brother, have an hour of Merlin before switching over to E4 where Big Brother Live starts and somewhere around 2am I'll fall asleep. Also I'm seeing Toy Story 3 tomorrow!!! I cannot wait, plus theres this real cute guy who works in the Odeon down town who looks like Eddie Redmayne, google him if you have no idea who that is. I so want to work in the Odeon. Yes. Anyway, I'm going to go round my room with my nifty camera and see what I can snap. Laters...
