Tuesday 20 July 2010


Yesterday evening, after spending too much money in Republic, me and the brother went and saw Inception. Being older, and slightly more mature than me, he wanted to see this rather than Toy Story 3. I didnt mind, after all I intend to see TS3 tomorrow thanks to Orange Wednesday. Anyway. So we went and saw Inception, loaded up on popcorn (I like sweet, he likes salt so our tub was divided and for some reason I kept getting salt, hmm). I'd heard about Inception, that its supposedly as good as Avatar, some said even better, 'Astounding' was a word I kept seeing repeated and boy were they right. Its not often that you see a film that lives up to such heightened expectations, with the exceptions of Avatar, The Dark Knight and Lord of the Rings. Inception is right up there, above Avatar. Literally actually, considering its been ranked the 3rd best movie in the world. Oh yeah 'da world. Told you it was good. Words cant actually describe how brilliant Inception is, its a film you have to really think about and keep up with instead of going slightly bored and letting your mind wonder for a few minutes (like mine did in Shrek 4). I wont say much about it only that it really made me keen to learn about dreaming, the idea of what dreams actually are and of course the ending. Ugh. I love endings that make you annoyed, seriously if you've seen it you'll know exactly what I'm on about, at the end everyone in my cinema sort of let out an exsperated exclaim, I, myself, went "the bastards!" which got several people sitting next to me laughing. Anyway, Inception is amazing, go see it if you havent already. You kinda need to watch it yourself to understand how good it is. Moving on, kinda. I had a weird/good dream last night (undoubtedly by influence of Inception). In the dream I was at some party, it kinda looked like my year 11 prom but it was in a nightclub. Bars, balloons and a dance floor were all shed in purple, a huge discoball glittered from above and I stood there with my date for the night. His name was Nick. Which is odd considering the guy I like right now is called Nick. Although their appearances were slightly different, dream Nick had more brownish hair whereas reality Nick bares sandy. So Nick and I were there, I got the impression he didnt really know a lot of people except for one girl called Emma. From where we sat, a group of guys I knew sat across the room and kept glancing at us making Nick go "dont they get it that I'm with you, do they have some kind of beef with me?" to which I replied, "dont worry, I only know a few of them." It sort of dissolved to us dancing with a bunch of people who claimed to be my friends although I'd never seen them before in my life. And then my ex turned up. In the dream I was nice as pie to him, we got on well, danced, laughed until Nick intervened. Now, I'm not superstitious at all but having a dream about a guy I like and my ex makes me wonder slightly. I mean does it mean that if I finally pluck up the courage (and it will be a while) and ask Nick out will my ex have something to say about it? I know its stupid, but...hmm. It made me think. The dream was actually pretty good, for some reason I seemed to be the centre of attention of this club/party/prom which, I'm not gonna lie, was awesome. But then is it only like that because its my subconcious? Probably. It was one of those dreams that, when I woke up thanks to my friend texting me and asking what I was doing tomorrow, I wanted to return to. Unfortunetly it didnt work like that and I relucantly text her back claiming I was free. So now I'm heading into town tomorrow with money I really dont have to spend. Blah. This is soo random this post, I should get an award of randomness and rambling. Its funny because I wrote the first half of this and then I decided I needed chocolate and headed to the shop, returning with a Fanta Orange, Boost bar and fudge (yum) then I ended up watching Big Brother live for a while (Keeva left?! :O) and now I've returned to this. I am so easily sidetracked its sort of shameful. Whatever. I need to write on this more, its true. Laters.