Thursday 6 May 2010


I cant think of a title to name this post, because really I have no idea what I'm going to write. I just needed somewhere to vent - quietly. You know those annoying arguments you get into with your mum? Yeah? Well I'm in the middle of one of those. She's been moaning - ever since she got home about an hour ago - about her laptop isnt connecting to the internet. Fuck knows why, I'm hardly a PC guru. Anyway, so she goes next door to our neighbours (whose allegedly this computer whiz although all his help in the past has never helped, its just hindered) it also doesnt help that he barely speaks English. Anyway she invites him in and then they both come barging into my room - apparently they have to mess up some shit on my laptop to get my mums laptop to work. Um. No. She even makes to take my laptop - which I'm USING! - into the living room. Thats when I hit the roof. Not at all bothered that my neighbour is standing in my room, I start arguing with my dear mother, reminding her of the fact that my Dad paid for my laptop and its my Dad who pays for my wireless internet. Who the fuck does she think she is demanding use of my internet connection?! Its time like these that I wish I lived with my dad. My neighbour tried cutting in - with his thick German accent - but I barely listened. And now there both down in the living room trying to fix the problem without the help of my internet or laptop, over a cup of tea -sigh-. My Mum is my worst enemy sometimes. She knows I wont let her access my internet so why the hell did she think it would be any different this time? Oh because our neighbour is in the room? Yeah, I dont think so. Todays been crap anyway. Even though I finished college early I was faced with a boring afternoon of politics revision that I barely got through without youtubing. Plus our shoppings meant to be arriving tonight so our house is bare and my stomach is rumbling unattractively. I just want the day done. I want to get into bed and watch Merlin all evening with a bag of haribo mix and hot chocolate - odd combination sure but I dont care.
Oh the German dudes gone - he even called up bye to me which I didnt respsond to. Yes I'm rude, yes I'm childish and guess what? I fucking love it.