Wednesday 5 May 2010

Obsession: Merlin Style.

I have to say (unfortunetly) I'm one of those people that can get overly obsessed. Okay, wait that sounds slightly scary. Put it this way, when I first read Twilight (back in 2007) I went ape shit over it, I totally loved it and when I heard a film was being made, I kinda went ape shit over that to. My love for Robert Pattinson formed which meant I had to wait out in the freezing, december, cold to get his autograph at the Twilight premiere. I hate to say it but i was obsessed. Now - 3 years on - I look back and cringe (kinda like when you look back at your old bebo and shudder). Thankfully I've seen sense, in fact anything to do with Twilight - minus the exception of Kristen Stewart who is pretty badass - I now hate. Anyway. I didnt think I'd get hyped over anything like Twilight (well with the exception of Harry Potter - but that goes without saying really if your british), but then I discovered the BBC's show Merlin. I first heard about it when it first started because my cousins watched it. I remember walking in their living room and them having it on, rolling my eyes, commenting on how shit it was, and walking back out. I even - once upon a time - turned over one saturday night from Merlin (I distinctly remember it being S1,Ep3 when Arthur, Merlin and Morgana are in the caves.) How stupid I was. If only I had totally understood what the show was about I could have become hooked on it a long time ago. Whatever. So earlier this year I was bored and started poking around trying to find somewhere to watch The Vampire Diaries, and then I came across a website which not only houses VD but Merlin. Shrugging I clicked on the first episode just to see... and immedietly became hooked. Call me a sucker for everything medieval, whatever. I've always loved History - British History. Most of the fictional books I own are set in Medieval times. The majority of films I possess are set in that period. So Merlin was right up my street. Plus I've always been interested in the Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot legend after watching Sam Neils, 1998 (i think?) Merlin film which I have on DVD and used to watch religiously. But now I have a new addiction. When I first watched Merlin I had to watch the second episode, and then the third... and so on. I became so addicted (trust me the show does it to you) that I would spend most of the night watching them - thankfully my discovery started in half term so I could roll into bed at whatever time. I can honestly say for 2 weeks I watched every episode of Merlin. And then I had to find if they were on DVD. Luckily they were. HMV only sold the 2nd series boxset so I had to make do (although admittedly Season 2 is better than 1) then a week later I was browsing WHSmiths and discovered the boxset of S1 and bought it. Now, every night, I watch an episode and fall asleep to it. If not I usually listen to the Season 2 soundtrack - oh yeah I found it baby after much extensive searching that drove me totally crazy. Most of my friends (who dont watch it) think I'm mad, but I've got a couple of others into it and we spend most of our days going over episodes, DVD commentaris, Arthur/Gwen or the hot stuff that is Bradley James. Unlike most Merlin fans I adore the Arthur/Gwen relationship. Sure, okay, it was a bit rushed, but they only have 13 episodes they cant drag it out for 6 can they? Everything about Merlin I adore, I love magic/make believe/fantasy/princes/adventures etc... and so its no surprise that Merlin is my favourite TV show. Its not at all like you expect when you first hear about it and, boy, is it addictive. Most nights I'm usually Youtubing anything to do with the series, reading fanficions or watching it. Worrying huh? I cannot wait until the 3rd series comes out which is why I'm booking a trip to France for next month halfway through June to - not only see Paris again - but to get some good spoilers for S3. I seriously hope they develop the Arthur/Gwen relationship (keep away Lancelot you goodlooking man!), I hope Morgana seeks some sort of revenge on Merlin annnd Merlin must tell Arthur about his magic, orrrr Arthur discovers it for himself.
Phew. That was long winded, sorry for any spelling mistakes I cant be bothed to look through and check.
