Sunday 2 May 2010


I'm just tired, pissed off and in a mood to rant. Forgive me.

  1. My mothers constant moaning of 'spending too much time on the laptop'.
  2. People with background music on their tumblr - ugh - at least give us the option to turn it off, no one really wants to hear your shitty techno that claims to be music.
  3. My lack of sleep. I'm currently on a good 4 hours a night. This is getting insane.
  4. How long my fucking laptop is taking to load a webpage, its just taking the piss.
  5. My eyelashes! They're just failing to cooperate with my mascara, I want long lashes, not short stumpy ones!
  6. People moaning about 'picture' stealing on tumblr, unless you actually took the picture you really have no reason to grumble. I've seen people posting several of the same images as me consecutively, and I've learnt to deal with it. Take it as a compliment.
  7. My inability to choose, and stick, with one film to watch. I shouldnt be allowed choice.
  8. Gwen hating from Merlin/Arthur shippers 'oh she gets all the guys', 'she's a whore'. Whatever. The girls badass, and lets be honest, your just jealous because she gets to lock lips with Bradley James and not you - I no I am.
  9. The pain in my back. Go away, no one invited you.
  10. Anything to do with that sham called Twilight. Just fuck off. I had my cousins round today who would not shutup about how 'dreamy' Rob Pattinson is. A year ago I would have agreed - now its just annoying.
  11. Youtubes layout. I. Hate. It!
  12. The idiots living next door. No one wants to hear you arguing at 3am. Tossers.
  13. My pathetic thing called willpower.
  14. Tumblr competition. I think certain people think its some sort of game as to who can get the most followers, most notes etc... to be perfectly honest getting 1 note and 1 follower is a compliment enough. The fact that people moan 'ooh I've only got 300 followers boo hoo'. Fuck off. Grow up. You'll delete this addictive piece of shit in about a year.
I think thats it...