Monday 10 May 2010

The Mortal Instruments

Okay so I've found a new obsession. Amazing huh? They go in the form of the novels entitled 'The Mortal Instruments' written by American author Cassandra Clare. And they are amazing. Seriously. I remember buying the first in the suspected 4 novels 'City of Bones' last year but after stupidness on my part I left my copy on a plane after an 10 hour flight to America (longest ours of my life) I only got 100 pages into it but it was good. On Saturday I was in Smiths and saw the book once again and ended up buying, reading it that entire day and found myself fast becoming a Jace Wayland fangirl - the shame. Anyway. Yesterday I bought the 2nd and 3rd novels; City of Ashes and City of Glass. I finished City of Ashes yesterday (took me around 6/7 hours) after I stayed up until half 1 determined to get to the last page, all I can say is: thank god for late classes today. I started City of Glass this morning after my mum decided to make enough noise to wake a deaf person, so I spent a few happy hours in bed reading Clary Frays latest adventure. The books are kinda beyond anything I thought they would be. I sort had this preconcieved idea of how they would pan out. How wrong I was. I vowed to myself I wouldnt touch another vampire related novel again after I read and hated Breaking Dawn. Luckily The Mortal Instruments are nothing like Twilight, the heros are in the shape of 17 year, god like looking guys named Jace Wayland. Clary did begin to bother me a bit in City of Ashes - I always end up hating the heroine jealously probably - but luckily she's convinced me in COG. Before I read them I did a bit of wiki searching so finding out about Jace/Clary being "siblings" in the book hardly surprised, nor will it when I discover that they arent actually related and that madboy Sebastian is in fact her dear brother. Sorry I'm totalling spoiling it for anyone who hasnt read as far or will begin to read the series. Whatever. Maybe I should have put "spoilers" in the heading, meh. I've been youtubing a load of Clary/Jace videos but all the ones i've found (except a select few) actually stick to the story, vidders are too busy cutting and editing clips of Wild Child and having Emma Roberts pose as Clary. Uh no. I might draw up my own "ideal" cast - naturally Mr Alex Pettyfer is my pick for Jace. I dont think there is actually anyone out there that would fit a fictional character as well as Pettyfer, he just screams Jace. I mean his American accent would have to be worked at (I mean have you seen the trailer for Beastly?) but apart from that the boy is perfect. When the film is made they had better choose Alex for Jace anyone else chosen, I doubt, will be welcomed with open arms by the millions of fangirls. Its time Twilight met its match, and I think this is it.

#Next post will probably be my perfect cast. Probably. Most Definitely.