Wednesday 28 April 2010

Tumblr and sorts...

I feel popular. A rarity feeling believe me - except in year 6 where I totally owned the playground. But right now that feeling is returning. Why? Tumblr. I signed on earlier (after college finally finished) and posted a few images and now suddenly everyones going crazy over old photos I posted. My followers have increased to 800! 800!! (boo-yeah!), so yeah I'm feeling pretty good. Oh you vain bitch, you... I messed around with a few things on my sidebar - switching my picture, description etc... and then I started mooching around others profiles and noticed several similarities (i totally just blanked on how to spell similar). I get that people - instead of reblogging pictures - just right click, save as and post. I get that because I've done it in the past when I was a complete tumblr virgin. However I never posted 4 images on the trot from the same blog. Several people are just saving every image I post and and posting it onto theres. Hmmm... kinda annoying. I mean I'm not too bothered, if they like what I like then fine, why not just reblog it? Surely its easier, no? So I was trying to work out a way to disable the right click - several people I know have done this to their profiles - and I wanted to do the same. But the code I found which is "supposedly" meant to work, didnt. And then I just realised, who the fuck cares? If they want to copy everything I do, do it. I feel flattered, honoured even. Whatever, I have waaay more important things to worry about besides who's copying my profile. Anyway, right now I'm getting ready to go out - I'm meeting some friends and we're heading to the Odeon to watch - finally - Clash of the Titans! I'm a sucker for swordsplay. Besides it's Orange Wednesday so I'm getting the action for half the price - and probably a KFC on the way back. Today's been good, except from the fact that I'm failing to fall asleep at night which leaves me drooping over my desk in class now. So I'm leaving in half an hour, probably be back around 10ish then head over to Camelot Love, check tumblr, youtube, and weheartit it a bit. Later freaks (: