Thursday 29 April 2010


I apologize in advance for any stupid spelling mistake my head is totally not with it today..

I dont feel great, like really dont feel great. Ive just got over a cold and now I'm suffering from a burning chest and sore throat, its even effecting my ears?! I mean whats up with that?! It's seriously painful putting in my earphones which is just bizarre, plus I think I have a headache coming on.
Swell. Just swell. I went in late today to college - I couldnt bare three hours of english literature. When I got back I sought out Camelot Love to find nothing remotely new and then I somehow ended up watching episode 1 of Legend of the Seeker. I dont even know how I got onto watching it. People have said its sorta like Merlin but american. I disagree, it didnt hold me the way Merlin did. Merlin drew me in straight away and as soon as the episode finished I was scrabbling around for the 2nd one. Legend of the Seeker barely even got me excited. I didnt even finish the first episode - I got so bored. Maybe its because I'm down and tired and nothings holding my attention. Not even tumblr which is a first, for the first time since I joined I cannot be bothered to post anything. On the upside I finally disabled the right click on my tumblr so they cant steal anything - well I mean they still can they just have to go through the effort of print screening the entire pages. Sucks to be them! I watched Clash of the Titans last night and fell in love with it! Its fucking immense! Theres been a lot of criticism saying that it didnt live up to the original but I never saw the original so I cant complain. Personally I thought it was really good at the CGI was pretty out there. Although I did spend half of the time going "oh my god where's he from, where's she from?" and for the first 20 minutes my friends and I were wondering whether or not it was Effy from Skins, and it was! Seriously I swear Clash of the Titans just had a full British cast, hell yes to the Brits. It really is wortha watch if your into Greek Mythology, like am , like a total geek. Anyway my inspiration juices have stopped flowing, I can smell dinner, and some nice rated R Arthur/Gwen fanfics are calling my name...