Sunday 27 June 2010

Summer & Sickness

Usually I'm always the one clamouring to get outside when its gorgeous but this weekend I've been the total opposite. Last year our summer was a total washout - this year its the total opposite. Its almost unbearingly hot - take yesterday I went on a bike ride with friends and by the time I came back I had sweated off all my makeup. Yeah. Ugh. I think the heats making me ill. I fell asleep to Merlin last night at around 2ish and then woke again and 4am and couldnt sleep because of the heat - even with the windows wide open I had kick off all my covers (and I HATE sleeping without my duvet). I swear I started hullicinating or having really fucked up dreams. You know the ones where you think you're screaming? And you try and stop only to wake up and find your actually not screaming. Yeah, confusing. I had one of those amongst other bizarre scenarios. Eventually I drifted off to sleep at around 5:30am only to wake up at 8, pad to the bathroom, go back to bed then wake up at 11. I am refusing to go out today no matter how fucking gorgeous it is out there, I refuse! I feel sick, I have a headache (so going on the laptop maybe isnt the best thing to do) and I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored. I'm posting on this thing because Livejournal is sucking ass right now. As is Tumblr. I want to sleep, I want an ice cold pepsi from KFC, I want to stop feeling bored. Ho hum, I'm glum.
