Friday 16 April 2010

Tony & Guy Adventures

I had a hair appointment today. The plan was to get it dyed back to my natural hair colour which is dirty blonde. I'm one of those people that is never satisfied long enough with the same hair style - kinda like people always updating their phones - I have to "update" my hair regulary. Of course, like normal, I was running late. Why oh why did I book my appoinment for half 10 is beyond me considering I am dying of a cold and am not a morning person at all. Even by 10:10 I was still sitting in my pj's updating Tumblr. Luckily I did make it to Tony & Guy with a minute to spare and - naturally - they were running late. Which I guess was good as it allowed me to head to Costa and grab a morning wake up hot chocolate. My hairdresser - Dwain - a complete genius when it comes to hair, asked what I wanted and I explained to him what my first thought had been. But then of course he gives me the colour chart and casually points a couple of new hair colours that they've ordered in. Obviously I'm drawn in at once - my willpower is pathetic. I picked a fiery/reddish brown. My hair, before, had been dark brown (almost black) and as Dwain explained, dying my hair straight back to blonde would probably kill it and not turn out as well as I hoped, the plan was to gently prepare my hair for colour overload. Not that I was actually listening by this point, I was too excited with my new colour. So of course he got to work straight away as I sipped away at my hot chocolate, whilst checking tumblr on my iphone. I dont tend to talk much when I get my hair done, as soon as my earphones slip in I'm away and Dwain (thankfully) gets the hint. Its not that I dont want to talk, but I'd rather get on with what I want to do, and him do the same. It took just over two hours and a half, and 55 quid of my parents money handed over, before I headed home. I'm in love with my new hair! And cant wait to show it off tonight. I'm going out tonight with friends - I have no idea why as I still feel completely shitty and getting drunk will not help my case. But I've been stuck inside for waaay too long and I have to head back to college on Monday (ugh).
Pictures below of my hair before (left) and now (right).
