Sunday 18 April 2010

College -sigh-

Today is my last day of freedom before I'm forced back into education. Okay, forced is a little extreme considering I dont have to go in until lunch tomorrow. Easter break has passed too fast - like all good/easy things in life. I vowed at the start that I would do something every day. For too long I've wasted days away in front of the laptop/tv with endless junk food. I've kept my promise. Kinda. I think - overall - I've spent 3/4 days where I've done nothing but surf the net/attempt homework. Which is - I think - pretty good considering I've had over 14 days off and have been dying of a cold this last week. In the days that I have done something I've ventured to north london, clubbed, drunk too much for my liver to handle, headed to manchester, shopped, hit up regent street etc... I think I've done more than I anticipated. But now its all over and college awaits. I thought I'd like college when I first started, I soon found this wasnt the case, sure okay its easy to take a day off and because its not compulsory I dont feel too bad about missing lessons, but now -sigh-. We've got our freaking A Levels coming up so your shouted at for missing a single minute of a lesson (well in politics anyway). When I was younger I always used to get this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach before school started on Monday because I knew I had to go and I hated it, the feeling was almost intorelable, and I've always said if I ever feel that way again then I'll quit whatever I'm doing. I had the feeling when I worked. And I have that feeling again, right now, and I hate it. I know that I only have 4/5 weeks left at college but even that makes me feel just... ugh. I'm really not sure whats wrong with me, usually I can put up with it. I mean everyone at college is pretty sweet, despite the idiots that call themselves teachers, but... I dunno. I've gotten so used to waking up whenever, deciding what to do that day, watching Merlin until 3am rolls around, and then finally succumbing to sleep to only wake and find sun and a free day. But now that I know I can no longer do that, it pisses me off. Am I the only student who feels this way? I guess its because I've become complacent, its always the same when you head back to college after a long break - summer always used to be the worst. 6 long weeks of nothing but (I was going to say sun then remembered I live in England) easy days. Luckily I dont have to worry about education again until next year. I'm not attending university until next year, I'm planning on travelling a bit for a year (thats such a cliche thing to say) before heading to uni. -sigh- tomorrow will be hell. Roll on summer...