Thursday 15 April 2010

Day One

I'm trying to think of an un-cliche way to start this. I wont give you the 411 (my name, age, and that my favourite colours dark pink but I love rock music also etc...) because lets be frank, no ones reads that shit. Everyone likes to say their "unordinary" or "unique" I'd like to say I'm pretty normal - average even. I own an iPhone like every other (it seems anyway) living being on this planet. Like any other hormonal, 18 year old, music is the only "friend" I have. Only child, I curse too much - usually in front of small kids and instantly feel a little guilty until I see another 12 year old chav and 'for fucks sake, what a skank' it. I only wear my rings on my index finger because I think it looks cool, I spend too much time in the mirror in the morning - and sometimes night. I feel the need to wear makeup even if I'm staying inside all day. Vain? Sure. I'm a total nerd. Harry Potter used to own my life until I discovered the BBC's show Merlin and suddenly became fascinated with everything medieval and Bradley James. I usually watch an episode every night before finally succumbing to sleep. I have Myspace - which is rarely used - and a new tumblr which I am fast being addicted to. I'm sort of boring and tend to babble, a lot, no I mean it, like a LOT. Tangents are my friends, that and a mango and passionfruit frescato from Costa. I tried smoking and instantly hated, I dont abuse the fact that I'm 18 and can buy alcahol and Classic Disney always brings out the inner girly girl in me.